And hi to my dear friend CLO2 as well, whose patience with me kept me trying.
Oh how funny to see my name mentioned in a post. And yes... DO NOT MAKE IT THE OLD FASHION WAY! That was a horrible yet exhilarating experience my husband and I will cherish forever - kablewy!. I'm new too! not even a month old yet. You are in good hands here. My suggestion is READ, read and re-read, and be careful with the measurements as to not get them confused. I had such a hard time with the what is equal to what vs drops or ml but I got it now. We made our first batch of CDS and it tastes so much better than the CDS I bought, and certainly so much better than the MMS1 mix. CLO2's website,, is a G-d send to us and the homey aspect of the PDF pages lets you SEE what it should look like, whether it be charts or actual photos or video links. I even printed out the Protocol Schedule so I can keep tract of my CDS. MMS2 and food: I like order and schedules and timers. Again, welcome and blessings to you and yours. Mozel Tov = good flow of Life's waters in your days ahead!