many people don't understand what is the plant oil. at this moment I personally don't known anything about this oil (only fast reads about people using it, some ytv...) BUT for exemple if you want around 30gr / 1 oz of pure anise OIL you need around 1 kg of anise seeds. I say "around" because depending of the place where is planted, the time stored before is extracted, fresh or dried, the technical "how to" used in extracting... yields more or less oil. for melissa oil you need 50 kg (yes, fifty) of plant to obtain a scarce 1,3 gr (yes, one comma three grams) of OIL. 1Lb of cinnamon yields 2 drams or 7.76gr of pure oil... in reality many people only get a vulgar tinture.
check this and tell me where is the cinnamon oil?
of course the adulterarion with cheap and inferiors oils is from the first days of oil trade
so the best you can do is phone the "manufacturer", if respond with vague replies or with "I don't known" sure is adulterated, fake... in reality sure the 99% oils on sale today are adulterated, fake, or with 1, 2, 10% of pure oil at most, the rest is alcohol, others cheap amb abundant oils...
anyway ask for a "certificate of analisis", the composition, the exact plant used... but first if you don't want to run blind you need one "standard" considering that there are no two people alike and their reactions are different. so check and ask, ask the people making "studies" or read their files. ask peope on the net with real experiences...
a good reading for start is this: (free at
good luck!