Hi Hannelore,
Each drop of MMS (at 24 drops per ml) has the potential to produce 6.7mg of CLO2 any way you slice it. The only question is where people are going to activate it. They can activate it a little in a cup for 30 seconds which will only activate about 10% of the total potential and then pour some water into it and swallow it. Then, once in the stomach, assuming the person has the average amount of 60ml of 1.5% HCl, the other 90% will be activated. Or people can simply put the drop in water and let their stomachs do 100% of the activation. Or people can make CDH which activates about 50% of the MMS in a bottle with water and then when they take a dose, the other 50% will activate in their stomachs. However all of these ways will still ultimately produce 6.7mg of CLO2 per drop of MMS for the body to absorb. It seems to be that the more activated it is outside the body, the less nauseating it is. I personally think that's because of 2 things. 1 is that MMS is extremely alkaline and so when it hits the stomach completely unactivated it causes some kind of reaction that we tend to experience as nausea. The other reason is because the converting of MMS into CLO2 is actually a chemical reaction which is a bit weird for the stomach to handle. So you put those 2 things together and the result a lot of times is nausea. This I think, is why CDH is so much easier on the stomach - the pH level has been knocked way down and half of the reaction has been completed in a glass bottle instead of in your stomach. Hopefully that all makes sense in relation to your question about how much CLO2 is produced.
At your weight I would think 2 drops is plenty and your body seems to be telling you that too.
About the maintenance amount to take I think you should again consider how it makes you feel and your body weight, which determines the amount of blood in your system. Obviously a full grown man is going to need more than a 138 lb. woman, right? So listen to your body. And along the same topic, keep in mind what you know about how little CLO2 it takes to cure disease as in the HIV cure patent. According to that patent, it takes only 1/2 of a drops amount of CLO2 in a liter of solution and then only 40ml of that liter was used. So really that's only 4% of the CLO2 that's in 1/2 of a drop and only 2% of a fully activated drop! That's just 0.135mg of CLO2! Of course they were putting it directly into the vein and we're swallowing it but even if swallowing it was 10 times less effective, that would mean we only need to ingest 1.35mg of CLO2 for it to be effective against HIV. And 1 drop will produce 6.7mg or about 5 times more CLO2. So I'd say use your common sense on the maintenance dose. My maintenance dose would only be 1 drop a day and I'd put it into 500ml of water and drink half in the morning about 3 hours after breakfast and half in the evening about 3 hours after dinner. But that's just me
Anyway, I hope this all helps. If I don't reply to your next comment right away please know that it's just because I've got a bunch of other things that I need to take care of and I'm not intentionally ignoring you. I'm not a very fast typist and it takes me a lot of time to think through all this stuff and write it in such a way that's hopefully understandable for everyone. So I'll say sorry about not getting back to you too quickly in advance. Hopefully I've given you enough to chew on for awhile though and enough for the others here to think about too. My good friend CLO2 is a goldmine of information too and will take good care of you and answer any questions you might have.
May you be well,