The MMS1 and Protocol 1000 should relieve the inflammation and pain, but the results may be only temporary. All of your ailments have been brought on not by a deficiency of MMS, but rather by nutritional deficiencies (vitamins and minerals) resulting from a poor diet.
Constipation is most often caused by a deficiency of water, and/or a deficiency of magnesium. I suggest drinking more pure water, at least 2 liters per day, and take at least 400mg of magnesium citrate per day.
Most people's diets are deficient in the minerals Iodine and Selenium, and this often results in polycistic or fibrocistic ovarian (or breast) disease. Since these minerals are lacking in most foods, I suggest taking a daily multi-vitamin tablet which provides 200mcg of Selenium. 12mg of Iodine per day taken as Lugol's Solution will often help remedy this condition. Lugol's Solution may be available from a local pharmacy, or you can get it on the internet from
Psoriasis is often troublesome to resolve, and in some cases may require adopting a 100% raw food diet. Before going to that extreme, one might try taking 10,000 I.U. of Vitamin D3 per day, and 60mg of a zinc supplement. Psoriasis is probably caused by wheat gluten and/or sugar in the diet.
Arthritis is often caused by wheat gluten in the diet, and so a permanent solution may require eliminating wheat flour from the diet and everything made from it (also barley and rye) which also have gluten. Gluten interferes with the digestive process, and prevents absorption of important vitamins and minerals - minerals such as Potassium. Taking a Potassium supplement and eliminating grain (and sugar) from the diet are likely the best long-term solution for overcoming arthritis. The body requires 4,700mg of Potassium per day to function properly, and most people don't get even half that much.
A healthy diet which will help you overcome all your ailments is described at this link: