well the turp was for my candida, and the biofilm I didn't know I had [ after 1st drinking it, within a few moments, I felt a fog lifting off my brain, as if it were like a hand waved from the base of my skull up and over and bam, it was gone, no more brain fog
biofilm]. so I got the bonus plan there thanks to a hunch and dr daniels youtube vid. only drank it 4times so far and the biofilm never came back...
the minerals should be a quality ionic supplement of your choosing. the ones in the multis are suspect and I have no lab to test so I go with, ionic/colloidal or fulvic minerals. choose as you see fit.
I've been doing a mix and match. so my routine of 15 drops of lugols in oj in the morning, 1 dose of ionic minerals like buried treasure, later I'll take some ionic copper and selenium. once a week 1/4tsp of sulfur in molasses. this is only for 90days to build reserves, then I'll get a hair test and adjust as needed, and then take a maintenance dose of regular ionic minerals, either from youngevity or buried treasure or fulvic minerals from vitacost. there was one that was raspberry flavored that was good too, maybe it was olympia...and amazon has concentrated fulvic minerals in a 2oz dropper bottle, so there are lots of options all over.