Depression is biochemical electrical.
Detox the brain.
Heavy metals,mercury is king of depression.
Kill secondary infections.
Stop,reduce brain inflammation which can cause low blood flow to brain=low oxygen= depression.use mms1
ZYMESSENCE very important,do MMS one hour after zymessence.
Most IMPORTANT OZONE COLD WATERoral ingestion several times,cups,EAR INSUFFLATION,rectal(if possible with ext50 longevity resources dott come,machine.
Hydrogen peroxide in water oral ingestion,EMPTY stomach, stops depression within ten minutes with atomic oxygen. I do it everyday.I do 6 to 10 tablespoons in a third to half gallon of water and drink over 1-2 hours on empty gives my inflamed,low oxygen brain singlet oxygen which wakes up the body cells mitochondria which are damaged by contamination,infestation,and don't work 100%. Ozone and h202 wake it up.
Mold,must be addressedsecondary infections
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