I use CA 50%. would like to try the HCL... just haven't yet.
I love your research and experiments. I am going to try the 4hr /6 drop protocol again. I made myself detox too quickly last time and didn't back off quick enough and ended up with pneumonia. :/
What is your opinion on the MMS2 as a maintenance dose ?
Mary as a chemist I don't recommend use MMS2 as maintenance drop. For two reason, Mr. Humble recommend this for Cancer because is very aggressive but in term of purity and control of manufacture this product have to many additive and did not have the same history of cure like MMS.
If you live in USA you can get Muriatic Acid in Home Depot and make HCL 4% or 5%. Probably the long time use of Citric Acid has been feeding the Citrobacter and overgrow in your intestine and is causing you problem every time you try to use MMS.
Keep in mind that if you use HCL you are using the same acid that is produce in the stomach at .1 molar that is like .5% and is responsible to take care of the inactivated SC when you drink your regular intake.
Also take a look of this document. I believe is very accurate. Some people are looking for cure in mms without taking in consideration the weight. See yourself here in the table and adjust your daily intake and your maintenance drops base on this table.
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For example I'm 190 pounds my daily intake should be 36 drops, I divide that by four and give me a total drops of 9. So my maintenance drops has been 9 drops daily. I did two weeks of 1000 protocol using 9 drops per hours in four hours process. What not easy and I have to stop one day only but I should start doing the two week of 9 drops first so my body get comfortable at that level of Drops. I was just trying to see why people said that are unable to pass 6 drops per hours. Of course 6 drops per hours in a 8 hours process will be 48 drops in one days that over the top if you check the table.
Every day I love more MMS even thou my Condition has not been clear, Im looking forward to add the parasite protocol from Andreas to see if that the problem.