I'm here because I believe in MMS. I'm a chemist, I went to the university and work in the Pharmaceutical Industry for several years. I know FDA and all the propaganda to kick MMS out of business. Our society is basically move to eat Antioxidant every single days. MMS did not work with Antioxidants. If you feel is not working is not because you are doing something wrong is because in addition to your herpes, you have other conditions that you don't know. MMS attach every single conditions that you have. If this 21 days does not work reevaluate all that you did including your diet. Then take a break and take your daily 6 drops shots 1 hour before going to bed that will keep MMS in the system. But please don't lose your fight because other are scare that this new come to the surface. Think about it, HOW is working for AUSTISM. That sell me. My Current Blood Pressure is back to normal levels, My cholesterol is getting normal. SO I'm not lying here. They are. My doctor said , whatever you are doing continue because is working.
This is not an easy path, but you can do it.