My case is not much different than yours.
I was a skeptic when I 1st learned of MMS and even more when I heard about MMS2.
The fact for me was MMS fixed my issue so much that today I am here helping others to understand MMS while at same time expanding my knowledge of MMS, and alternative measures.
On my Radio show I have talked about several "cures"for disease. There are about 450. I know of 25 or so. Many of them are what they say they are but many are not strong enough in today's Toxic world.
I go n Cancer walks and share info with those who will listen. I made a piece of paper that said 9 cures I knew at the time land went for Cancer walk with this paper in large letters stapled to my shirt.
I have lost several relationships due to my belief in MMS....whatever did happen to the guy who said the world was round and not flat...hmmmm
The short answer is PH is key, that below 7PH we die and areas of lower than 7 PH can develop. We call that disease.
Millions have used MMS and many have recovered. Far better results that conventional measures for sure.
But I suspect you would have to assemble your own team of patients to observe and draw your own conclusions.
I do not have access to testimonials any more than you, so I am unable at this point to provide you one that fits your description/need.
I do what everyone does.
I search G2C and Google and read and decide what I believe based on what I read/learn/know.
I will do a Google search and see if I can find any testimonials for you after this.
I see some promising websites in the search above.
What YOU have to do is review the Protocols and Malady list at and decide what level of MMS use you feel is best for you. We ca not give you a professional to guide you step by step.
Instead we give you this forum to learn, ask questions from those who know MMS, other methods and experiences.
We are here simply to guide people and familiarize them with MMS and the MMS protocols. As well G2C supports many types of healing but given that MMS is the most powerful healing agent, and likely the Greatest Medical Discovery of ALL Time MMS will be what we work with most often however there is also MMS2 DMSO Diatomaceous (sp) Earth, Moringa come to mind.
We are not here to prove MMS works, but to help guide those who beieve MMS works. And it does.
I am living proof.
Or I would not be here sharing my time and experience.
Today as example I arose before 6AM, Moon still high in sky. I answered questions and did research from 6AM thru 3PM and took a 1 hour break.
I don't need any FDA tests to tell me MMS works. Or any testimonials and yes could be faked but for what purpose?
Jim makes ZERO $ off MMS.
I spend far more on MMS than I receive currently about -$10K.
Jim sells his books on MMS but does not sell MMS.
MMS is so cheap barely anyone makes any $ off it.
Many of us "helpers" here are here solely out of our compassion for our fellow Brothers and Sisters.
Clearly there is NO compassion in western Alopathetic quackery...
Like You I want to help bring MMS healing to those who are in desperate need of REAL solutions and after 4+ decades of being ill and near death in 2008, MMS gave me a life back.
A life I never had my whole life.
From not being able to participate in sports, dances or any of the usual things children do as they grow due to my condition. And that went on into work place where working was difficult at best.
Had I not developed and owned my own business who knows how I would have survived till I found MMS in late 2008.
I understand you want someone who'se been cured of the same disease as you, and they are out there. But for now all I can direct you to is testimonials of those who have been cured of various diseases and conditions.
Please see Index and Testimonial section. Search for MMS testimonials on web, Youtube and several MMS legitimate sites.
Simply Put.
YOU can heal YOUR issue with MMS and then YOU will not only have testimonial but experience. Experience you can feed back to us at G2C to help us better help others in the future.
I am happy you are this far down the rabbit hole.
You will not be disappointed.
I am now going to watch your film, thank you for posting it.
There is a war against reason....and we are fighting it everyday.