It would have stopped it FAST!!We stopped rapidly advancing open sore mrsa,that already had 9 months antibiotics,1 month iv also helps to have a wearable zapper,like the terminator.another system is hydrogen peroxide topically 3%,oral ingestion on empty stomach flavor with essential oils like eucalyptus, lemon,lemon grass,rosemary,red thyme,mellallucca,oregano.clove.also bath in warm water with 4 16 oz bottles of 3%,intravenous h202 is fantastic.clinics Santa Monica rosarita beach mexico.
Google the truth about FGHP. listen to the radio pgm,download the book.
Hydrogen peroxide is HYDROGEN DIOXIDE a cousin of chlorine dioxide..I do both but separate
Finally the best silver is at Dr Gary Gordon which actually killed Lyme in 9 minutes in vitro. I used for infections also.
DMSO was used with mms1 directly on the mrsa sores,while mms1 was ingested only took 10 days to cure the mrsa which had red streaks going up oth their legs,an inch a day.the were on hospital call in,every other day for possible amputation.
Mms1,2 Work!!