I have a bottle of citric acid, but if lemons will work then that will be easier to use.
Malaria exists here, that's for sure, but presently no one has it. I am in a safarii camp, it only holds 12 guests, but there are 20 employees who live here full time. They are from villages - some far away. They are all anxious to go home and tell their families and friends what they have learned. I am glad that they will go home with the experience that MMS made their teeth pain go away, they have no doubts that it works (unlike people at home in the USA).
I surely didn't know this, all Zimbabweans are highly educated, the official language is english. The reason they threw the whites out is because they found out that the white schools had more advanced topics, the black schools weren't being educated the same, they threw the whites out back in the 1970's so since then the education is really good.
Guess what - they have a huge bottle of MMS2, calcium hypochlorite. for cleaning the swimming pool, so I taught them about putting it into capsules....I brought lots of emplty capsules and pool shock, but I won't have to use my own pool shock. To say the least they are all soooo excited that they know they can purchase it here.
If you want to feel really good about yourself just come to Zimbabwe. I cannot tell you how sweet these people are, and how appreciative, they think I am an angel. I didn't just start telling them about MMS, I waited for the perfect moment, that was when a girl told me she has sensitive teeth.....my husband reinforces the message, telling them he takes it daily - he looks very healthy.
It's easy to tell them everything, as they are so educated, and they all guess right off why they don't know about it (drug companies suppressing), I think it makes them feel good to know that even americans don't know about MMS....it's all word of mouth.
thanks so much for your input, I'll give it a try!