I had discoloration and my teeth seemed translucent when I was brushing with MMS1 and DMSO. So I stopped and someone told me to brush my teeth with Borax that it can replace enamel, so I just started that, and will try the baking soda, which I've always used occasionally. But I do have a tooth that one dentist told me ten years or so ago that it was dying, but another dentist told me it was fine and probably just sensitive because of sinus problems (which I don't really have). It will flare up and hurt sometimes and abscess. I pull with coconut oil mainly first thing in the morning about a tsp. for 20 minutes, keep swishing vigorously, then spit out. Can do it all through out the day if need be. Has always helped me so much, makes the pain go away completely and try to keep up a bi weekly routine. Hope that helps you. Also heard that wheat grass for 5 minutes will help too, but haven't really tried that much myself.