"Swedish official admits toxic 'chemtrails' are real, not a wild conspiracy theory"
This cute aerobatic exercise is called "threading the needle" and was made by two 4 engined jets while spraying whatever it was they were spraying. Because of the location, where few people lived, I guess they thought they could play while spraying. A neighbor called me on the phone to tell me to look outside, so I grabbed my camera and here is the photo. Taken in 2003.
The same neighbor and I witnessed 5 of these planes flying in formation, wing tip to wing tip spraying whatever, during the same time period. Unfortunately, I did not have a camera with me.
Recently I looked up and saw a chemtrailing plane turn 180 degrees and fly back the same direction it came from. Do passenger jets do that? Of course not!
When was the last time you saw a really blue sky day? They are very rare now due to chemtrails/chemclouds.