I am over 74 and have what allopathic doctors call COPD, asthma, and chronic broncitis...However I was on an oxygen machine, nebulizer and ventolin. So, today is April 26th, 2013 and I started on November 19th 2012. Today is my 31st day without any help breathing. I have in the past two weeks planted 36 trees and numerous plants and mowed and done a sundry of other things besides taking care of my home and my business. Not missed a beat or breath! How? First I started drinking a tea 3 times a day made from the leaves of the Mutamba tree using 1 teaspoon for each cup of 8 ounce filtered water and let set 20 minutes before drinking...This must be done every day for six months without fail... ( drink one cup when you wake up in the morning, again between 2pm and 4pm then once again before going to sleep.) you can look up Forest RX online and buy from them. I did that for 3 months and felt somewhat better but nothing to write home about, and still stayed the course then around Feburary 23rd, 2013 ran out of my ventolin and could not get a refill for 9 more days. I did have albuterul and decided it was time to drop all my drugs and keep drinking my tea. But it was getting harder to breathe tht evening and I decided to mix up MMS Protocol 1. Using a syringe put 2cc of of diluted MMS into my nebulizer. Turned on the machine and took 3 very short breaths. It chocked me up quite a bit. So I diluted again with another 1-ounce of filtered water the next time. Remember : Mix the MMS protocol 1 up as usual and then add 2 ounces of filtered water then draw out 2cc of that mixture for breathing in the nebulizer. Now the reason for the last dilution was only because I chocked on the first one if made. YOU ONLY BREATH 3-4 VERY SHALLOW SHORT BREATHS AND THAT IS IT. Then before going to bed you can do another 3-4 breaths and be prepared to cough a lot of crude up. Sure it hurts but a lot better than not doing it and letting someone else control you. Even though my first was a little strong for inhaling I survived to tell you this information. Well, it took about 3 1/2 weeks of inhalation 2-3 times a day and then I realized I had missed my tea and was really okay but a little scared (Kept my ventolin inhaler around at all times)...when i started to have a difficult time breathing i would sit down and relax or just get my mind off of it. and yes for me this has worked.
Since I forgot my tea as i just told you i started using a timer to make sure i keep that up and no longer do i have to take the breather on my nebulizer and today is my 31st day with only the tea. It tastes ok, and I sweeten it with KAL liquid Stevia. (KAL liquid is made using glycrein . I am still using the tea 3 times a day. Guess I really don't want it to relapse.
Right after my nebulizer treatment I actually could feel the sacs inside me taking in oxygen and releasing it also. It feels really good.
Summary: Take MGU tea 3 TIMES A DAY, for about 3 months,(never stop taking the tea) then start using MMS as stated above for about 3-4 weeks, then stop the nebulizer treatments and just keep on drinking the tea until the time comes when you do not have the need to run around puffing an inhaler, sucking in CO2 from a machine. Rejoice when you have so much to do that all you do is complain while doing it. Life is what you make of it! Mine will be good because of me. Wish you the best attitude toward this infomation. With Light, Love, Bliss and FREEDOM.....