I have a t cup yorkie that weighs 6.5 lbs. He has been sick for years with allergies which i think were brought on by his vaccines for travel. The more he got the worse he had skin problems. I tried everything and i mean everything...finally i decided to do CDS spray on his tummy along with a spray of dmso. He has been getting better..rash or upscales on his tummy but he does not itch anymore. He gets red and rashy but i think it's the CDS pulling all the crap out of him. I don't give him Atopica anymore. Most Vets give this to the dogs now and it makes them very ill. Vomiting and lethargic etc. I'm sure his liver would suffer greatly in years to come because of this stuff.
I was wondering if i might be giving him too much as it looks like he is not well. He runs to hide in his room and never comes around us all day long. He sleeps and does not play with his sister much. He rarely spends much time around us. He will go hide in another room alone.
I have also been giving him 1 cc in his water bowls. He drinks a lot. Is this too much for a tiny dog. How much can i give him in his water and how much should i be spraying his tummy with straight CDS and DMSO.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. My husband thinks I'm killing him slowly with this stuff. Debi Brown