Hi Patience, I started smoking at 15, smoked for 20 years, and quit many times, always starting back up in response to certain triggers - stress, sadness, loneliness, relationship problems, frustration at work. My addiction was so bad that the moment I put the cigarette out (I smoked American Spirit s- Blue pack, or Menthols) I was already craving the next one, even though I still felt sick and dizzy from the one I'd just finished.
I quit a final time 11 years ago using Allen Carr's book, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." It really DID make it easy, and despite life being just as stressful and difficult as its always been, I've never again felt tempted to reach for a cigarette. I'm done, for good, and would never look back. I love being free from the addiction, the mucus, the sore throat, the reduced lung capacity, the frequent colds/flu, the smoker's breath, etc. Just wanted to share this resource with you, in hopes that it could do for you what it did for me.
You can start reading the book (or listening on Audible) while you're still smoking - in fact, I recommend it. It's an absolutely awesome book and his method 100% worked for me! I really don't think I could have just dropped it, so easily, and for good, without it.
Whatever you decide, I hope you reach all of your goals as soon as possible! Wishing you radiant health, and deep peace.