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Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) 23 Feb 2013 21:34 #30911

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I stopped taking thyroid - ordered by prescription from Canada because I was having heart palpitations on 60mg. Recently started back on 30mg. I can usually tell if I'm taking too much when I get heart palpitations. I think I feel better already back on it - mentally and energy. I'm sure I was under the limit. Do you take your temperature? Seems like when I'm on thyroid I feel better but my temp. is very low. Maybe with the mms I might need to be on more of it. But I'm going to start Lugol's iodine to see if that helps support the thyroid.


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Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) 24 Feb 2013 00:26 #30918

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Did you get a thyroid test to see where you are at. My test showed me at a level of 17. The upper limit is 5.2. At first I took synthetic stuff and it made me very sick then the doctor gave me a natural med. The dose I am suppose to be at is 60mg. I started out at 15 mg first. I never got palpitations but was worried about it. I get panic attacks and was worried about that. When i become stable with the 15 mg I added another 15 and it was to hard to do. Each pill is 30 mg. I went up one quarter of a pill at a time. I am at 45 mg now. Each time I went up I got very hot off and on for a couple of days then it was fine. I dont really have any problems with being cold now like I was before I even started. I still have the carpul tunnel feeling in my wrists and ankle but very little compared to the time before I started my meds. I tried recently to add another quarter of a pill but it was very hard to do. So each day I am taking coconut oil and hoping things will work out better. In a week I go for another test to see where I am sitting at. I am delaying my test because I can only go once every three months.

I just took my temp now and it is 97.3. Before the meds it was sitting at about 96 sometimes lower. Also I drink a glass of milk with my meds which we aren't suppose to do because it supposedly weakens the meds. When I try to take meds and wait for half an hour before drinking my milk it seems to be overworking again. But they say if you follow a pattern then stick with it.
Hope that helps

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Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) 11 Jan 2014 08:31 #38561

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Interesting thread, thanks for this.

I have HPV in my vocal cords (which sit right above the thyroid), which I got 10 years ago, right after moving to a new country to study in my early twenties. I have the cold hands and feet, and brittle nails and falling hair, which seem to be linked to hypothyroidism, and the interesting thing is that I got my HPV right after my move, when my diet changed to a typical stupid student diet of tuna and pasta (as opposed to the fairly healthy Scandi diet with lots of potatoes instead).

I have just started taking MMS for the HPV, and have been researching thyroid function and disorders, and have come across ESTROGEN DOMINANCE. This is a dietary / lifestyle issue, which seems to affect women more than men.

Estrogen dominance appears to be linked to thyroid disorders. Basically, too much estrogen in the body (due to unnatural diet / meds) affects thyroid function. There are lots of articles about this on the net.

Estrogenic foods to avoid:

- Refined sugar
- Soy (not just soy products, but soy lecithin etc. in ingredients lists)
- Wheat, and other gluten grains (for some people, all grains may have the same effect)
- Bad fats (trans fats, industrial processed cooking oils such as sunflower etc.)
- THE PILL (not a food, but the worst culprit leading to estrogen dominance in women)

I've seen adrenal fatigue and over-acidity of the body mentioned in the same breath with estrogen dominance, so it may all be linked, and appears to go with the idea of it being difficult to heal an individual condition, as it is linked to other ones, which are all linked to diet and lifestyle in the end.

I've just cut out the above estrogenic foods from my diet (substituting grains with potatoes and sweet potatoes), am eating healthily, picking foods that have just one ingredient in them if possible (meat, veggies, milk, cheese... you see what I mean, no long ingredients lists), eating some organic veggies, with the occasional portion of rice being the only grain I eat.
Interestingly, linked to this, on my 2nd day on MMS, my sense of taste seemed to have improved, and my wheaty bread tasted all bitter and acidic.. which sort of helped me give it up.

I'm also going to start taking iodine, in Atlantic kelp (the seaweed), as I'm into natural products, since nature's designs always tend to be a lot more clever than what humans can cook up in labs, offer more protection against side effects in my experience, and be more effective. I'm already taking spirulina.

I realise my thyroid is probably not as underactive as many of you, and I still need to get it tested, but I found the above to be very interesting info on what 'a healthy diet' for us ladies may actually mean.
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Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) 16 Jun 2023 15:01 #79016

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Wow! It's been a while since anyone has posted here. How is everyone doing? I'm pretty bummed. I was looking at my copy of FORBIDDEN HEALTH Incurable Was Yesterday by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker and saw there is a specific protocol for Hyperthyroidism but no mention for Hypothyroidism. Then I see that "Chlorine" is generally really bad for the thyroid. I've searched high and low for any specific information on Hypothyroidism and Chlorine Dioxide (CD) use but this forum is the closest I've come to finding info and it looks a bit like a ghost town. I'm bummed because now that I have everything I need for healing, it looks like healing with CD is contraindicated for people with underactive thyroids. 

You all still around? Anyone have any info? Has anyone been able to heal their thyroid???


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Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) 22 Jun 2023 10:56 #79100

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Note that just because Chlorine Dioxide has a Chlorine atom in it, does NOT mean
it is "Chlorine", or that it will negatively affect Hypothyroidism. ('chemistry')

My "best guess" is that it will POSITIVELY affect Hypothyroidism, and there have been
some anecdotal testimonials to that affect.

Of course it partly depends on the reason for the Hypothyroidism.
If it is toxicity / immuno-suppression -based, then ClO2 should work.
OR, if your body is toxic, and you detox, then there is a very good chance that
your body will just "fix the problem" once it has been "cleaned out" and is
finally able to do so.

I would bet that it will, at the very least, be a case of Can't Hurt, Might Help, Probably Will.
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CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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