It seems you telling people to drink distilled water is a wrong advise because of the consequences of drinking distilled water. Please read using this link
Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water....
Internet wide, this is the only article people ever cite as they mistakenly argue against distilled water. It is a ridiculous notion really. Saying "distilled water is bad for you" is of the same ignorant school of nutritious thought that says "fluoride is good for your teeth." They are both absolutely false and are "facts" disseminated to actively harm humanity further.
Distilled water is the single common substance among the healthiest purest water based materials on Earth: fruits, urine, and rainwater. "Distilled water leeches minerals" is a misleading statement because it only leeches the minerals that do not belong in the body in the first place. Just as MMS only kills the weak charged pathogens, so distilled water's negative charge draws out only toxins and heavy metals.
For actual information regarding the HEALING POWER of distilled water:
"The Water of Life" by John Armstrong
"Water; The Shocking Truth That Can Save Your Life" by Paul and Patricia Bragg <---treasure trove of information